Saving Braveheart
Braveheart was shot twice and rescued during the blizzard. Help us raise $5,000 towards his emergency surgery.
Saving Braveheart
The day a massive blizzard was slated to hit Jersey City, Braveheart and his companion Faithful were spotted running loose in Liberty State Park. When a park officer tried to approach the two dogs, Braveheart charged at the officer. He was shot twice and tranquilized, yet both dogs managed to escape back into the park. Officers set traps, and after a long freezing night, both dogs were captured in the same trap--still together. The dogs were fearful, but docile and sweet.
Braveheart is currently undergoing emergency surgery to remove the bullets from his body and close his wounds. He will require an extended hospital stay but thanks to the loving support of his companion Faithful, his prognosis is good.
Emergency care for dogs like Braveheart and cats like Firuzeh is an essential component of LHS's mission, but it comes at a cost. Please help us raise $5,000 for the care of Braveheart and other animals like him.
Read the article about Braveheart and Faithful's rescue here